Taste of Alsace
Sébastien Becker

CEO of Le Pin Parasol store in Strasbourg-Reichstett

Sébastien Becker, soon to be 40, married with 3 children, CEO of the Le Pin Parasol store since 2014, and supported by a great team: Nadine, loyal since the beginning, Romain, the Swiss Army knife man for 2 years, and Léa, an alternating sales assistant for 1 year.

An ambitious self-taught epicurean with a taste for things well done, Sébastien Becker strives to convey a positive spirit and is constantly on the lookout for customer satisfaction.
Today, he would like to move into terrace equipment for the catering trade (“which was my biggest customer when I first worked with VLAEMYNCK!”).
When he’s not in the office, he spends time with his family, enjoys running and motorcycling, and follows Le Racing whenever he can!

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