Jam maker in Muntzenheim
Christine Stinner is a jam maker in Muntzenheim. She grows and harvests the fruit she uses to make her traditional jams. Rich in fruit and without gelling agent, its compositions vary according to the harvest and can be enhanced with spices. Confitures Mamilie strives to delight taste buds with the authentic flavor of local fruit.
She grows most of her own fruit and can therefore pick it when it is ripe. The fruit is picked early in the morning, so it’s all at its freshest. Wild fruits such as rosehips, blackberries and blueberries are harvested far from the main roads. The fruit’s aromas develop as it cooks in the copper basin, where it is stirred with a wooden spoon to promote evaporation.

Watermelon jam
Jam Mamilie presents its jam of white watermelon. The fruits, untreated, come from Christine Stinner’s garden who makes her jams in a traditional way. No gelling agent is added, the recipe is simple: fruits, sugar, lemon juice. Nothing more!