France Bière Challenge in Saverne


The veil has been lifted on the winners of the 7th France Bière Challenge, an event that showcases the talent of French brewers. With almost 500 beers entered in 38 categories, this epic clash took place on April 4 and 5 at the sumptuous Château des Rohan in Saverne, Bas-Rhin.

An impressive panel of 40 professional judges took on the responsibility of selecting the best creations from this plethora of flavors. It was a tall order, but these experts rose to the challenge with rigor and exacting standards.

This year, the France Bière Challenge awarded a total of 99 medals, including 35 gold. The event is distinguished by its remarkably high standards, with less than 20% of entrants rewarded. This rigorous approach makes each medal invaluable, offering significant recognition to the award-winning brewers.

The emergence of an idea

The France Bière Challenge has its roots in the French brewing landscape of the 2000s. Around this time, the French craft beer scene began to flourish, with the emergence of new independent breweries and the rediscovery of traditional styles. It was against this backdrop that the idea of a national competition to celebrate the diversity and excellence of French beers was born.

The first editions of the France Bière Challenge were modest but promising. Launched by a group of beer enthusiasts and industry professionals, the event originated in a local craft brewery, bringing together a number of regional breweries for a friendly competition. Despite its modest size, the enthusiasm was palpable, and the event quickly acquired a reputation for quality and authenticity.


The France Bière Challenge takes off

Over the years, the France Bière Challenge has grown, attracting more and more breweries from all over France. Competition venues have also evolved, from small local breweries to larger convention halls and exhibition centers to accommodate the growing number of participants and visitors. With this growth has come greater visibility and recognition of the event within the French brewing industry.

As the France Bière Challenge continued to grow, organizers sought to innovate and adapt to the changing needs of the brewing industry. New categories have been added to reflect evolving brewing trends, such as experimental beers, international collaborations and emerging styles. Parallel activities, such as training seminars and public tastings, have been integrated to provide a more complete experience for participants and visitors alike.

International recognition

Over the years, the France Bière Challenge has become a not-to-be-missed event not only in France, but internationally too. Foreign breweries began to enter the competition, attracted by the reputation for quality and prestige associated with the event. Specialized media also began to cover the event on a more regular basis, helping to raise its profile beyond France’s borders.

Today, the France Bière Challenge continues to flourish, with each new edition bringing its share of discoveries, innovations and emotions. As the spearhead of the French brewing scene, the event is more than ever a driving force for creativity, excellence and passion for beer.

The France Bière Challenge takes its place in spotlighting the new French brewing landscape.

Éclats de Médailles at the France Bière Challenge 2024

Among the most honored breweries, Brasserie du Pavé, based near Lille, shone brightly, winning a total of 5 medals, including a precious gold for its Pvl l’Ambrée, a beer tasted in one of the most hotly contested categories: French ambers.

Other talented brewers have also left their golden mark on the history of the Challenge. Brasserie Bougnat (Puy-de-Dôme), Brasseurs de la Jonte (Lozère) and Brasserie de l’Ouche (Loire-Atlantique) all deserved a place among the winners, with at least 4 medals each.

But the real gold record goes to Parisian brewery Fauve Craft Bière. Celebrating a veritable harvest of medals, including three golds for its innovative creations, this brewery has captured the very essence of brewing perfection. The Soul Disco Funk double IPA not only seduced the judges’ taste buds, but also won the Hops Revelation trophy, sponsored by Hop France. A dazzling success that illustrates the boldness and creativity of this brewery.

The most competitive categories, such as Triples, IPAs and French Blondes, saw dazzling performances. Brasserie La Fabrique, based in Montélimar, won the Fermentis Trophy for its Révélation France Bière Challenge 2024, as well as a gold medal for its IPA, competing with Brasserie ZooBrew from Hérault and its Bower Bird.

In the Triples category, where competition was fierce, Brasserie Elixkir from Côte d’Or won the gold medal with its “Sans Foi Ni Loi” creation. While Micro-Brasserie des Chandres, in the Eure-et-Loir region, won hearts with its “Eurelienne Blonde Bio”, taking gold in the French Blonde category.

As for the Grand-Est region, it is not to be outdone, with its microbreweries in the Vosges. Le Centième Singe and La Mercière took gold and bronze respectively, adding their sparkle to the regional prize list. Brasserie Lingone in Haute Marne and Brasserie Coulous in the Ardennes also contributed to the region’s brewing reputation with their silver medals. The diversity and quality of the region’s breweries were once again highlighted, highlighting the ingenuity and expertise of local brewers.

The rise of craft beers

In recent years, craft beers have gained in popularity and recognition, both in France and worldwide. Consumers are increasingly looking for locally-produced craft beers, appreciating their quality, diversity of flavors and authenticity. This trend has given rise to a proliferation of new craft breweries, offering innovative and creative beers that defy convention and push the boundaries of traditional brewing.

The quest for authenticity and originality

In an increasingly saturated market, consumers are looking for beers that stand out for their authenticity and originality. The breweries focus on the quality of their ingredients, favoring local and organic raw materials, and experimenting with bold recipes and innovative brewing techniques. This quest for authenticity translates into a growing diversity of styles and flavors, allowing consumers to discover new taste experiences with every sip.

Institutional recognition :

Organizations such as the Association des Brasseurs de France and the Syndicat National des Brasseurs Indépendants work to promote and defend the interests of craft brewers. In addition, events such as the France Bière Challenge help to promote the quality and diversity of French beer.

The evolution of brewing culture in France is characterized by a dynamic renaissance, marked by the emergence of numerous craft breweries, the diversification of beer styles and the rise of the craft beer movement. This development reflects a shift in consumer thinking, with consumers increasingly willing to explore and appreciate the richness and creativity of the new French brewing scene.

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