Alsace wines
2 new names

The Grand Cru appellation was formalized on May 13, 2022 to include Pinot Noir from Kirchberg in Barr and Hengst in Wintzenheim. This recognition marks a significant turning point for Alsace’s vineyards, and Philippe Bouvet, Marketing Director of the Conseil interprofessionnel des vins d’Alsace (CIVA), is delighted. Bouvet underlines the importance of this decision for the reputation of Alsace wines, considering it a real springboard for the region.

Until now, only white Alsatian wines have enjoyed the prestigious title of Grands Crus, with a total of 51 references. This exclusivity has now been extended to Pinot Noir, a change made possible by climate change and advances in winemaking techniques. These improvements have revealed the full potential of Alsace Pinot Noir, propelling it to the rank of Grands Crus.

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