Au Soïkopf

Monday Closed
Tuesday 08:00-12:15, 15:00-18:15
Wednesday 08:00-12:15, 15:00-18:15
Thursday 08:00-12:15
Friday 08:00-12:15, 15:00-18:15
Saturday 08:00-12:15
Sunday Closed

Think to offer
Valid in more than 57 establishments

A family affair

Trained by Michel Herrscher, Valentin Utard, a young master butcher, charcutier and caterer, has set up his own business in Kunheim: Au Soïkopf embodies and preserves traditional, historic and family know-how. Together with his partners, mother Marie-Claude and wife Justine, Valentin offers a full range of butchery and charcuterie products, daily takeaway menus, and above all excellent specialties to brown over the fire this summer. Just like the fine ribs of beef from choice breeds: Charolais, Salers, Rouge des prés, especially on the French side, and across the Channel, Aberdeen Black Angus or Hereford.

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