Asparagus on the barbecue

– 1 bunch of green asparagus
– 100 g panko breadcrumbs
– Smoked mousseline sauce
– 1 bunch of dry thyme

– 1 lemon
– 2 eggs
– 50 cl seed oil

– 1 cl of sherry vinegar 20
g of mustard
– 3 g of salt

Cut the wood from the asparagus and peel it. Bleach them in
a large volume of boiling salted water for 3 minutes then cool
in a bowl of ice water. Grill them for 3 minutes on the barbecue.

In a saucepan, burn the thyme with a blowtorch.
Extinguish the fire with the grape seed oil. Let it brew
40 min. Filter with a cloth. Clarify the eggs. Mix the

with mustard, lemon juice, salt and vinegar,
then make the mayonnaise with the smoked oil. Then mount the
whites to snow and incorporate them into the mayonnaise.

Roast the breadcrumbs in a pan without fat.
Arrange the asparagus in the bottom of the plate, sprinkle with
roasted breadcrumbs. Place a generous spoonful on top
of mousseline sauce and serve.

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