Brasserie Du Thoné

Artisanal beers brewed 100% in Les Vosges

Brasserie du Thoné’s beginnings date back to September 2018, yet the story begins a good few years earlier… Julien, creator and brewer, is a true beer lover and enthusiast.
His first brews were made in his kitchen.
In 2018, he decided to turn this passion into a professional activity, leaving his job at the stationery store to devote himself fully to this activity.

Between his tapping machines and temperature-controlled vats, Julien serves his beers brewed on site, in the charming village of La Bourgonce, ten minutes from Saint-Dié-des-Vosges.
Month after month, he develops beer recipes and then makes them from scratch, in keeping with brewing traditions.
Recipes for every taste!

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