
Chefs, in their need to create and renew themselves at every moment,
mobilize a network of women and men of taste that Food&Good has chosen to make known to you.

Maîtres Cuisiniers de France
Guide 2024

A friendly get-together was held on Monday May 27 at Jérôme Paquin's Restaurant La Table in Bartenheim (68), bringing together many of the Grand Est region's Maitre Cuisiners de France and renowned suppliers, to congratulate the new Chefs honored by the association in 2024. Bruno POIRE, Chez Michèle - LANGUIMBERG (57) Denis LALLEMAND, Auberge St Ulrich - Haut Clocher (57) Jérôme PAQUIN, LA TAble de Jérôme Paquin - Le Gaulois - Barthenheim (68) Chaired by Mathieu KOENIG (L'Arbre Vert BERRWILLE...

Brasserie Les Haras - Strasbourg

In the heart of the old stud farms of Strasbourg, near the Hospices Civiles, La Brasserie, directed by Maxime MULLER and chef François BAUR, takes you into its sumptuous volumes and its atypical universe remained authentic for a lunch or dinner out of time. The buildings, built in the mid-eighteenth century, have always had a dedicated use for the horse. Traditionally, the royal stud farms, then national, housed stallions and had to ensure the sustainability of the horse breed. When the bu...

Ristorante FANI* - Luxembourg

Located in Luxembourg, in the small town of Roeser, Ristorante Fani invites its guests on a delightful journey of the senses towards Italy. At the helm, Chef Roberto Fani (1* Michelin) reinvents Italian cuisine, creative and tasty.
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