Taste of Alsace
Valère Guedj

Manager of CONTACT IMMO, in Colmar

“Father of 3 sons, I’m a child of the Mediterranean and today an Alsatian… adopted! Born in Tunisia, I worked in Marseille, Paris and abroad. I met an Alsatian woman whom I married and who succeeded in getting me to leave Paris and bring me and our first child to her home in Sélestat, where we settled in 1995. I fell in love with Colmar and, at the time, opened an Italian “boui-boui”, Cosi caffè, where we ate good pasta and paninis on the go and drank a good cup of coffee.

Today, as manager of CONTACT IMMO in Colmar, which I set up in 1999 with my friend Christophe, I’m passionate about my job as a real estate agent, which requires a love of people and human contact, and that suits me 100%!”

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